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[Developed for Shyloh Sturm by Jake Sturm & Kira Salak, PhD]
Updated January 10, 2016
Please check back as we make updates periodically)
Their Lie: “Cancer is a death sentence.”
Truth: Cancer is actually easily treatable.
Their Lie: “Cerebral Palsy is untreatable.”
Truth: Cerebral Palsy is easily treatable.
Oh Blessed Lord,
may all sick children’s cries be transformed into healthy, raucous peels of laughter!
To treat Shyloh’s metastasized brain cancer, epilepsy, strokes, and cerebral palsy, a special cannabis tea was made for her when she was two months old. (She had two German doctor prescriptions for the THC.) As the medicinal compounds in cannabis flowers and oils do not dissolve in water, medicinal teas must be made from whole milk (which contains fats that readily absorb cannabis’s medicinal compounds). Before directions can be given for the tea, a few terms must be explained:
Landrace Cannabis Indica Flowers: This refers to the original, heirloom cannabis plant that produces hash; its compounds cause classic body effects like sleepiness or “couch-lockedness.”
Landrace Cannabis Sativa Flowers: These are the original, heirloom sativa plants [i.e., plants that have not been genetically modified; they look nothing like modern cannabis]. They create head effects, keeping a person alert and awake. As these landraces are no longer available in the Western world, they must be grown from seeds. Landrace Cannabis sativa plants control and treat nearly all neurological disorders, with an extraordinarily strong effect on epilepsies of the cortex (the outer part of the brain), making landrace Cannabis sativa essential for the treatment of serious neurological conditions like epilepsy, MS, Alzheimer’s, Gulf War Illnesses, and brain tumors.
Modern Cannabis Flowers [“Buds”]: These are the commonly available Cannabis indica strains, which are typically smoked recreationally. While some are considered “high sativa,” in truth these strains are mostly indica (bred for a “head-high” by mixing in some sativa genetics). Modern Cannabis indica flowers have been bred for indoor growth, large flowers, and higher THC levels—not for medicinal value. To find medicinal strains of modern cannabis that can act as a decent replacement for landrace Cannabis indica, choose ones that are mostly indica, with moderate-to-low THC levels. High-THC recreational strains are generally only useful for severe pain, and they are extremely dangerous for anyone with any form of thought disturbance (i.e., depression, schizophrenia, manic-depression, PTSD, etc.). Unfortunately, the “high-sativa” modern cannabis strains do not seem to have the same potent medicinal effects as landrace sativas. It is likely that what is currently called "sativa" is just indica strains without the myrcene (the compound in cannabis that induces sleep, and therefore likely affects the limbic system of the brain with antiinflmmatory effects--explaining its benefit as an anti-depressant). Rick Simpson Oil [see description below] is the only product that comes close to matching the medicinal effects of the landrace sativas, likely because of its high concentration of medicinal compounds, though it usually made from modern indica strains.
Hemp Flowers: Hemp is a non-narcotic type of Cannabis sativa, with medicinal properties that are very different from landrace sativas. Hemp causes sleepiness, and its high CBD content relieves autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and almost all illnesses of the body, as well as disorders of the brain membranes. Because it induces sleep, working on the inner and lower parts of the brain, it provides treatment for cerebral palsy, and is also excellent for any injuries to central areas of the brain. Hemp is essential for all brain injuries or tumors, as it reduces swelling and promotes immediate healing. (Shyloh would not be alive without hemp). Hemp, combined with small amounts of cannibis, is essential in treating all forms of cognitive seizure disorders (depression, schizophrenia, manic depression, etc.). It is likely that hemp also contains high levels of myrcene like Cannabis indica, as it has the same sleep-inducing effects. You can get hemp here: Appolyon
NOTE: For treating any form of seizure disorder, hemp, being a Sativa, is the closest to the landrace sativas and is always a better choice for a source of CBD than low THC/high CBD indica strains.
RSO: Rick Simpson Oil, which is made from modern cannabis plants (for ordering, contact Brian at and ask him specifically for this oil).
NOTE: RSO has very high levels of THC and it should always used with an oil infused with hemp flowers (see the Apostle's Oil below) to counteract the effects of the THC. This is especially true when giving RSO to children.
CBD RSO Oil: Rick Simpson Oil made from hemp (talk to Brian at )
Cold-Pressed Medicinal Hemp Oil: This is an oil made from hemp seeds. Oil made from both hemp seeds and hemp flowers has the strongest medicinal power, by far, but it is hard to find this because of existing laws.
NOTE: All cannabis used in milk based medicine should be heated in the oven for 20 minutes at 240° F (115° C). This will convert the THC precursor compound into THC, which increases the amount of available THC. If this is done with hemp, it should also slightly raise the THC levels without affecting CBD levels, turning hemp into a very low THC sativa.
Daytime Tea, safe for Sick Infants (THC Tea)
Place 2 grams of landrace sativa flowers [or an adequate replacement for them, like RSO or tincture, etc.] into 1 liter of whole milk. Pumped breast milk can be used for children under 6 months old who are breastfeeding. Unpasteurized milk is always best if you can buy it from a small local dairy farmer (rates of infection from contamination from unpasteurized and pasteurized milk are identical, so there is no risk, and unpasteurized "raw" milk is far healthier for us). Add 1 teaspoon of soy lecithin to the milk to increase absorption of the medicinal compounds, and then put in 2 grams of hemp flowers (hemp reduces the psychotropic effects of the THC, while providing essential medicinal compounds). As landrace Cannabis sativa flowers are impossible to buy in the West and must be grown at home, they can be replaced by Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) which can be purchased online in the West. The effective dose of RSO (which must be squeezed out of a tube) should be at least 0.5 ml - 1 ml RSO per batch of tea (and much higher for adult treatment).
For a better taste, cinnamon and honey (sugar) can be added, as well as other medicinal plants like goji berries or graviola (I put RSO onto a graviola leaf and then drop the leaf into the tea). A stronger dose can be created by using hash; if there is no cannabis available, hash can be used as a medicinally effective replacement for it. In truth, any source of cannabis can be used for this tea—RSO, hash, “high-sativa” modern strains, landrace Cannabis sativa strains, tinctures, oils, etc. It is just a matter of what is available and affordable in the current climate of Marijuana Prohibition. The versatility of this tea ensures that no child will ever go without medicine.
Nighttime Tea for an Infant (CBD Tea)
Ingredients: 4 grams of hemp flowers, 2 grams of modern high indica cannabis flowers, 1 teaspoon of soy lecithin, 1 liter milk. In addition, 0.5ml of CBD RSO oil [it comes in a tube and must be squeezed out] can also be added to the tea. For a better taste, add cinnamon and/or honey (sugar). Other medicinal plants can be added as well. If there are no modern cannabis flowers available, double the CBD RSO oil. Hash from an indica strain can also be added to the tea to boost CBD levels and potency (especially if it is a high-CBD hash).
Cooking the Tea
Heat the tea on a low flame in a double boiler for 1-2 hours, stirring regularly. The tea will last in the refrigerator for only two days, so put all remaining tea into freezer-safe bottles and freeze them until you need them. It is also possible to make multiple batches of tea in advance, in order to store weeks worth of medicine. Once the tea is done, strain it. Squeeze the remaining medicine to make sure all medicine is squeezed out of the flowers.
NOTE: Milk froths at 60 C so it should not be heated beyond 55 C. Instead of a double boiler--or any device, such as a deep fryer, that has a temperature gauge and can be easily cleaned--can be used to keep the milk heated at this temperature.
NOTE: RSO will not mix into the milk without soy lecithin.
NOTE: To make a more concentrated tea, reduce the milk to 0.5 liter or double the amount of each ingredient.
Administering the Tea
The easiest way to administer tea to an infant is by using a syringe without a needle (which is the method used in neonatal hospital wards to deliver medicine to infants). You can buy needleless syringes at the pharmacy. We use 3 ml syringes to administer Shyloh’s medicine. Just push gently into the corner of the child’s mouth, releasing about 1ml at a time—or however much the child can comfortably swallow. An alternative to needleless syringes are plastic eye droppers.
NOTE: With epileptic children, if they are having seizures, try to administer the medicine between seizures (as a seizing epileptic may have swallowing problems). If administering a dose to a seizing child, be careful to keep the tip of the syringe pointed downward and away from the child’s eyes.
When Shyloh was two years old now, her normal daytime dose was 4 ml of daytime tea and 6 ml nighttime tea every 2 hours (this CBD to THC ratio should be similar to Charolette's Web strain). In her first year, she received half this dose, with 3 ml daytime tea and 3 ml nighttime tea every 2 hours. If the dose is too high, there are no adverse effects whatsoever; the child will simply get sleepy and nap. If this happens, either reduce the dose, or reduce the amount of cannabis (RSO) in the medicine. If, on the other hand, the medicine is not having any obvious effect on the child’s symptoms, increase the dose or the amount of cannabis (RSO) in the medicine. Keep adjusting until you get the desired effect without making the child drowsy.
Dosing should always be determined by symptoms. When a child has many serious symptoms, focus on treating the most life-threatening ones first (in Shyloh’s case, we began by treating her generalized seizures, then her tonic seizures, then her cerebral palsy, and finally her sleep problems). Shyloh's symptoms worsen after sundown, threfore from 5pm to sleep time we dose her every hour instead of every two hours.
I always tried to use the lowest dose possible to achieve an optimum medicinal effect. It is likely that if one were to substantially increase the dose in the teas, one could achieve effects lasting more than two hours.
NOTE: With children who talk, and with adults, the next oral dose should be adminstered when the person is feeling the effects peaking, not when the effects begin to wear off. This is because oral cannabis medicine takes at least 30 minutes to start taking effect. By administering the medicine at the peak of the previous dose, the current administration of medicine will begin taking effect just as the last dose begins to wear off. This creates a steady, constant level of medicine.
NOTE: Strict, two-hour dosing during the night can destroy both the parents’ and the child’s sleep, so it is important to adjust nighttime dosing as described below.
I recommend buying a medicinal quality hemp oil made from seeds (cold-pressed if possible), then separately purchasing hemp flowers from an online hemp website. Heat the cold pressed hemp oil in a deep fryer. Do not fill the pot more than 1/4 of the way! Start at around 40 C, slowly increasing the temperature to 80 C to boil off the most volatile compounds. As these compounds boil off, the oil will expand and froth. if you heat too quickly, it will froth and quickly boil over--if the oil expands past 1/2 way immediately shut the temperature off and wait for the froth to collapse before heating again. Some oils froth very little and others froth violently, so be careful. Work the temperature up to around 80 C where it will begin to boil. Let it boil at 80 C for about five minutes or until it stops boiling. Then slowly heat it to 110 C to carboxylate the precursor cannabinoids into THC. Deep fry the hemp for a few minutes (do not let it fry too long, as the hemp will burn and leave a burnt taste in the oil). Put the oil and hemp in a jar for a week or two and let it sit. After a week or two, strain the oil (which should have turned nearly black). This creates a very powerful medicine that treats many serious medical conditions. I use about 40-50 grams of hemp to 1 liter of hemp oil to make a very concentrated oil. Add one teaspoon of soy lecithin to the oil infusions to help hold more medicinal compounds within the oil.
An adult dose of the infused oil for treatment of serious illnesses like cancer or epilepsy would be about 1-2 tablespoons every 3.5 hours. This amount can be increased, or the dosing can be done more frequently (i.e., every hour), depending on the seriousness of the illness. As hemp oil and hemp flowers are both affordable and readily available on-line, this medicinal oil can be made easily and should be used as soon as possible in the event of serious illness or injury (i.e., at the first sign of stroke or immediately after any kind of traumatic head injury, etc.). The oil is very strong, so as always, start of with low doses and work upwards.
You can make other oils in the same way, putting in half regular cannabis flowers and half hemp flowers or any ratio you want. Try using indica flowers for a nighttime mixture to promote sleep, and sativa flowers for a daytime mixture (as sativa is an antidote for sleepiness and counteracts some of the body effects of the hemp). These oils are essential in treating cognitive seizure disorders (depression, mania, delusions, etc.)
At 2.5 years, Shyloh now only uses infused oils. We have a night oil infused with hemp flowers and a day oil infused with Sativa flowers. She gets .5 ml of each every three hours and when she wakes in the night. We also administer an oil infused with indica flowers (.3ml twice in the day and .7ml twice at night).
NOTE: If adding concentrates, hash or RSO to the oil, you will need to use the deep fry method and use soy lecithin.
NOTE: Hemp seed oil is used for both its medicinal properties and also to prevent violating the biblical prohibition against using the Holy Anointing Oil of the First Holy Temple, which was made with olive oil (Exodus 30:32-34). Of course, in the Jewish religion, life take priority over all else. So of course, if hemp oil cannot be purchased, which in the darkness of Marijuana prohibition can happen, olive oil can be substituted to alleviate suffering and save life. But out respect for this prohibition, and due its medicinal properties, hemp oil should always be used if available.
WARNING: If olive oil is used, be aware that virtually all olive oil sold in the U.S. and Europe is adulterated, usually with canola oil. If the oil thickens when placed in the refrigerator for a few hours, then it is real. This is another reason hemp seed oil is preferred, as it is rarely adulterated.
Oil, Tea, Tincture or Concentrate
Precise dosing with concentrates, even when diluted in oil, is virtually impossible to get with an infant (this is why milk tea is the better solution for sick infants). Alcohol-based tinctures can be put into the tea, but care should be taken to boil off all the alcohol.
These are the pros and cons of the teas and oils:
Infused Hemp Seed Oil
Shyloh gets .5 ml of hemp seed oil which was infused with hemp flowers and .5ml of hemp seed oil infused with landrace sativa flowers (see infused hemp oil recipe above). This combination prevents the levels of CBD from becoming too high and triggering epileptic seizures. This is given every 3 hours. The infused hemp seed oil creates a constant background level of CBD and THC that helps controls her cerebral palsy and frees her from her “locked-in” autistic symptoms. In addition, it resolves her sleeping problems. It has created a much better control of her cerebral palsy than the teas did. I would recommend the teas for infants less than six months old, oil for those older than two, and either in between. In my own treatment, I use the oil every three hours to control my epilepsy and create a good functioning mental state. I also use the day tea for doing creative work such as writing. I also use a vaporizer when I need higher levels of medicine quickly.
The nighttime tea controls Shyloh’s non-spastic cerebral palsy, and the daytime tea controls her epileptic seizures. Her spastic cerebral palsy appears to require high levels of hemp for treatment and is controlled by using 1ml of hemp infused hemp seed oil (see recipe above) every two hours while she is awake. Her ADHD (a result of the injury to her brain) is fully treated by hemp. If she gets breakthrough epileptic seizures, I give her extra daytime tea (hemp oil mixed with landrace sativa strains or RSO oil or tincture can also be used). If she starts getting non-spastic cerebral palsy symptoms (which begin as ADHD-like symptoms), I give her extra nighttime tea. Thus, as symptoms emerge, I adjust the dosages.
There is no set ratio of nighttime to daytime medicines; each child will need different doses depending on their injuries. Start with equal amounts of day and night medicine per dose. If there are periods during the day when the epilepsy in a child is worse, increase the daytime medicine during that period. If cerebral palsy symptoms get worse during a certain time of the day, increase the night medicine during that period. By observing symptoms, one can find the perfect ratio between the two medicines. In Shyloh’s case, the perfect ratio is equal amounts of day to night—unless she is having breakthrough symptoms. Originally, in the daytime, she received a ratio of 3 day to 1 night, and during the night, 3 night to 1 day. As healing occurs, ratios will often need to be changed.
For epileptic children, sleep is critical, so disturbing their sleep to medicate them is detrimental to their healing. The best solution is to have the child sleep with the parent. When the child wakes (usually from mild seizures during light sleep, as the medicine wears off), give medicine to him/ her immediately (keep the medicine by the bedside). The child should fall back asleep quickly, and by the time s/he falls asleep, the medicine should take effect. If the child resists taking a full dose of medicine, don’t force it, as it is more important for the child to stay asleep. (You can also make an extra strong medicine for the nighttime, requiring smaller doses. Doing this can reduce night dosing to 2-3 times a night, with medication once the child wakes in the morning. You can also experiment with giving a higher dose just before bedtime.)
In the early stages of Shyloh’s treatment, her symptoms were so severe and completely uncontrollable that she needed medicine every 30 minutes, day and night. After two weeks of treatment, she received medicine approximately every hour. Finally, after two months of treatment, she received her medicine every two hours. Let the child’s symptoms be your guide to dosing—not any fixed schedule.
For children who have cancer with no seizures:
--During the day: give an equal dose of nighttime medicine to daytime medicine, administered every 2 hours, with a double dose right before sleep.
--At night: give a normal dose once in the night (if this is not too disturbing to the child), and a double dose in the morning upon waking.
If the cancer is active and growing, doses can be increased substantially from the levels recommended above, with no adverse effects whatsoever. Again, let the symptoms be your guide. When they start to abate, you know the medicine is working. The tumors usually start shrinking in two to four weeks.
Healing Crises Associated with Brain Tumors and Brain Injury
Children and adults with brain tumors will go through several obvious transitions as cannabis shrinks the tumors and the brain begins to heal. The first change usually occurs within the first two days of vigorous treatment, and is caused by a reduction of swelling in the brain and a marked improvement in symptoms. Once a tumor begins to shrink, any displaced brain tissue will begin to move back to its original place. This will often cause healing crises that can result in breakthrough seizures. Do not be alarmed. Healing crises remind us that the cancer is going away.
It is important to carefully learn a child’s symptoms. If a child experiences a sudden increase in the number of seizures in a day, but everything else remains stable, it is likely that s/he is experiencing a healing crisis. Shyloh went through many healing crises, each lasting about 3 days. If the symptoms do not subside after 3 days, or they include serious symptoms, increase the medicinal dose until the symptoms are under control again. If problems persist, have the tumors checked with medical tests to see if there are any adverse changes. Of course, if any of the new symptoms are life threatening, get medical help immediately.
NOTE: Healing crises generally only last 3-5 days; it is recommended that dosing regimes be maintained during healing crises, if possible.
Don’t forget to increase the dose as the child gets larger. In small children, check for a change in weight first if there is a worsening of symptoms.
Adults should be dosed in the same way as children, only with much higher doses (the doses given here are for a ~20 pound child, so adjust accordingly. Dosing should be based on an improvement in symptoms. Try upping the dose until an optimum level of healing is achieved.
Terminal patients wishing to reverse illnesses like metastasized cancer should opt for as high a dose as is affordable, given every 2 hours for at least 3 weeks until symptoms improve. Once tumors have shrunk and the illness goes into remission, patients should continue a reasonable maintenance dose for long-term use.
Nearly all so-called “mental illnesses” are actually easily treatable seizure disorders of the brain. These epileptic seizures are caused by some kind of traumatic brain injury—poor forceps delivery, a bad fall, high fever during pregnancy or the first three years of life, childhood head trauma, etc. “Depression,” “anxiety disorder,” “bipolar disorder,” "PTSD" etc. are all caused by right (and possibly left) temporal lobe injury (see "How information is controlled on the Internet" to see how this is hidden from patients); “schizophrenia” is from left temporal lobe injury. Addiction is the result of frontal lobe injury. Patients needn’t plumb the depths of their past to uncover the alleged “cause” of their depression or addiction. They just need to treat themselves with cannabis, known for over a century to be the most effective medicine for epileptic seizure disorders.
Study after study has proven unequivocally that cannabis is NOT addictive. Only the propoganda masters want you to think otherwise. You cannot ever overdose or die from cannabis. Individuals with frontal lobe injury, who are susceptible to addiction, can use cannabis to turn off the addictive mechanism in the brain triggered by these injuries (achoholics often also use cannabis to moderate their alcoholism).
NOTE: As Depression, schizophrenia, etc. are caused by seizures in the temporal lobes, they likley require a combination of both THC and CBD. Start with 1 part CBD/hemp to 1 part THC/cannabis. The THC levels can be slowly increased to find the opitimum ratio, but should not exceed 1 part CBD/hemp to 2 parts THC/cannabis until you have stabilizedwith the medicine. One of the best methods of treatment is infused hemp oil with mostly hemp and a small amount of cannabis.
NOTE: Be careful if you are also getting THC or CBD from sources other than the tea or oil. Vaporizing or smoking joints increase the THC level and so should be taken into consideration when determining the THC to CBD ratios.
THC and CBD are Full Antagnoists
I can conclude from working with my daughter, whose upper brain injury causes her epilepsy and whose lower brain injury causes her cerebral palsy, that THC and CBD are fully antagonistic in the human brain. In other words, THC blocks CBD, and CBD blocks THC. In Shyloh, the epileptic seizures in her cerebrum (the upper part of the brain) are turned off by the THC in her medicine. However, too much CBD blocks the THC, leading to full epileptic seizures (breakthrough seizures) in the upper brain. On the other hand, Shyloh’s cerebral palsy (caused by seizures in the cerebellum and brain stem of the lower brain) is controlled by CBD. Too much THC causes the CBD to be blocked, resulting in lower brain seizures and a return of cerebral palsy symptoms. The ratios of THC to CBD need to be carefully managed for successful treatment when there is upper and lower brain injury. As Shyloh’s hyperactivity and autistic/attention deficit symptoms (ADHD) are part of her cerebral palsy (in other words, they are lower brain injuries), they are successfully treated with hemp oil infused with hemp flowers.
Clinical depression and schizophrenia result from injuries to the brain’s temporal lobes (specifically, to the mesial temporal lobes portions of the limbic system, which is between the upper and lower brain). It needs to be repeated that “mental illnesses” are just symptoms of temporal lobe injury. Unlike motor seizures, which create the jerking or stiffening of muscles seen in epileptics, temporal lobe seizures create internal, emotional symptoms—like visual and auditory hallucinations, depression, severe anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks (PTSD), and automatisms such as cutting or repetitive “OCD” behaviors. Not surprisingly, thought/emotion seizures are far more common than motor (muscle) seizures in the general population (possibly effecting half the population), but these symptoms are almost always misdiagnosed as “mental illness” and left untreated by anti-epileptics such as cannabis. A person having a temporal lobe seizure will often seem spaced-out (excessive daydreaming in children is usually a sign of undiagnosed temporal lobe epilepsy). Loss of memory is another common symptom, especially loss of episodic memory. Most people can talk and function during temporal lobe seizures, but they will appear “zoned out” and have a poor memory of what happened. They might also exhibit subtle changes in personality and speech. Grinding of the teeth is another common symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy. Temporal lobe seizures that occur at night may lead to one awakening and suddenly being aware but not able to control ones body. This continues until the seizure ends and the person fully awakens. Often the person will make vocalizations, as if they are having a nightmare, but the person cannot be awoken until the seizure ends, even if the person is shaken or shouted at.
Shyoloh’s symptoms that arise from injuries to her brain’s limbic system are controlled by high levels of CBD, while high levels of THC lead to seizures in her limbic system. As depression and schizophrenia arise from injuries in the limbic system and are symptoms of seizures in this part of the brain, this would explain why these symptoms are often worsened by very high levels of THC. People using medicinal cannabis to treat mental illness must be cautioned about high-THC cannabis strains, which could lead to psychotic breaks or automatisms that result in self-injury, or even suicide. This is likely to be why Dronabinol—synthetic, pharmaceutical THC—has been known to cause hallucinations and psychotic breaks in certain individuals. (Personally, I know someone with depression and anxiety disorder from temporal lobe epilepsy who went into full seizures from smoking high-THC cannabis. This person also got seizures from eating very high-THC cannabis cake.)
NOTE: Treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy with symptoms such as depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, anxiety, OCD, etc., is hemp oil infused with hemp flowers and a little cannabis (either landrace or recreational), taken every 2 hours while awake. In such a way, the THC is at an optimum level for safe and functional treatment. If medicated in this way, it is safe with someone with epilepsy to use regular cannabis, as long as the THC is not too high.
Since the dawn of time, humankind has treated itself with symptom-based medicine—the same method that I used with my daughter Shyloh. It is no coincidence that landrace Cannabis sativa treats upper brain injury (epilepsy), while hemp (another type of Cannabis sativa with lower THC and high CBD) treats lower brain injury (cerebral palsy). As said above, “Landrace” means the original, heirloom cannabis plant, not adulterated by modern genetic modification; virtually all “recreational” cannabis available in the West, whether it is used medicinally or otherwise, has been severely genetically modified for indoor growing and extremely high THC levels. Obviously, our ancestors discovered that the landrace plants treat epilepsy and cerebral palsy, and so they carefully bred them for this purpose. Just as we use chemistry to make pharmaceuticals today, our ancestors used extremely advanced plant breeding techniques to make their medicine. Our ancestors’ work to turn landrace Cannabis sativa into anti-epileptic medicine, and its cousin hemp into a cerebral palsy medicine, is still locked into the genetics of the plants.
The basis of Eastern religion involves the three gunas (natures): rajasic (high energy), tamasic (heavy, low energy) and satvic (a perfect balance of the two). Undoubtedly, the concept of the gunas arose from treating brain injury—especially in children like my daughter who had upper and lower brain problems. In my daughter’s case, epilepsy gives her tonic seizures that make her body rigid (i.e., tamasic). Whereas the cerebral palsy activates her body and puts it into constant motion (rajasic). Using this information, our ancestors unlocked the secrets of the human mind and how to treat brain injury. To bring a tamasic epileptic child (i.e., with upper brain injury) into a balanced, satvic state, a rajasic landrace Cannabis sativa was used. Anyone who has experienced landrace Cannabis sativa knows that it gives a very energetic head high (i.e., a rajasic experience). On the other hand, to bring a child with rajasic cerebral palsy (lower brain injury) into a balanced, satvic state, tamasic hemp was used. If you use hemp alone, it gives a heavy, sleepy, tamasic high. Undoubtedly “soma,” the sacred spiritual substance ingested in Vedic times, was either partly or entirely landrace cannabis. Cannabis sativa and hemp contained the two basic natures (rajasic and tamasic) that could be used to bring the mind into a balanced (satvic) state.
Note: Cannabis indica—the most common form of “recreational” cannabis used today—was probably never anything more than a narcotic substitute for poppies.
Traditionally, people with epilepsy have always been our shamans, poets, and visionaries. (My wife, a writer for National Geographic, has dedicated her life’s work to studying epileptic individuals in tribal cultures around the world, from Mali to Papua New Guinea to the Peruvian Amazon. In every case, epileptics have been highly revered prophets and holy men.) Epilepsy opens the mind to “holy states,” in which the voice of God/ Oneness/ Spirit can be heard. As these channels can become overwhelming (ask any musician or artist), cannabis is specifically used to control these gateways. Biblically, during the time of the First Holy Temple, Jewish priests (kohenim) were epileptics who controlled their seizures with kaneh bosom (i.e., cannabis, the main ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil). However, during the time of the Second Temple, Roman rulers carefully selected and controlled who became priests in the Temple (epileptics, with their dangerous connection to divine revelation, were no longer permitted to be priests). The Romans chose individuals from the wealthiest of the Jewish population—those who were easily corruptible agents of Satan. (Modern Judaism is still based on this spurious Second Temple religion. As a consequence, and almost like a punishment, Judaism has received no divine prophecy or prophets after more than 2,000 years with the exception of some of the Chasidic Tzadik masters such as Bal Shem Tov, or the great Kabbalist masters such as the Arizal, all of whom are considered heretical by main stream Judiasm).
So what happened to the Biblical epileptics—those prophets and visionaries alive during the time of the Second Temple? If one reads about Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament, one learns that the Saducees had obviously refused to allow the masses to treat themselves with cannabis, turning the epileptics into pariahs and madmen. This was likely a lost oral law not included in the Jewish Talmud that was a misinterpretation on the prohibition against using the Holy Anointing Oil insoutside the Temple and also based upon the story of the Asherites. In addition, it is well documented that the Holy Annoiting Oil, whose main ingredient was cannabis, was not part of the second Jewish temple, i.e. that it did not exist in Israel in that time period despite being a commong medicine found in all surrounding area.s Clearly, there was a prohibition on cannabis during the second Jewish Temple. Jesus not only treated epileptics, but also people with cerebral palsy (the “paralyzed”), schizophrenia (“the demon possessed”), and many other ailments. See the following quote from the New Testament:
Matthew 4:24: “[Jesus’s] fame spread throughout Syria, and people brought to him everyone who was sick—those afflicted with various diseases and pains, the demon-possessed [ie, mentally ill], the epileptics, and the paralyzed—and he healed them.”
Historical research on medicinal cannabis quickly reveals that these conditions were already being treated in other parts of the world during the time of Jesus [see the book Marijuana Medicine: A World Tour of the Visionary and Healing Powers of Cannabis, by Christian Ratsch], and it is likely that Jesus learned about cannabis’s medicinal properties when hiding abroad.
While Jesus apparently had the power to heal through faith alone, his apostles did not (think of the story of Peter, whose insufficient faith prevented him from walking on water). Clearly, the medicine that Jesus gave his apostles to heal the masses was the sacred K'na Bosm (cannabis). Again, from the New Testament:
Mark 6: 8-14: “[Jesus] summoned the twelve [apostles] and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits... And they were driving out many demons, anointing many sick people with oil [i.e., were using the Apostle's K'na Bosm Oil as described above, of which K'na Bosm, cannabis, was the main ingredient], and healing them.”
Jesus courageously defied the Saducees, who had been preventing the masses from having access to life-saving cannabis medicine. (Sound familiar?) In the process, Jesus was also trying to heal and restore the true priests (i.e., the epileptics), so they could bring the people back to God and restore first Temple Judaism. In truth, cannabis prohibition is actually 2000 years old, and began as a way of repressing mystics so the Romans could retain power over the masses. (The Romans didn’t want prophets like Jesus running around, causing trouble and questioning authority.) Sadly, modern Christianity still encourages this Satanic repression of mystics by demonizing cannabis and supporting cannabis prohibition. The New Testament warns us that when society refuses to offer mercy to its sick—to those people with easily treatable conditions like epilepsy, cancer, cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, etc.—we know that we are living in a time of extreme Satanic rule. If those who currently run the Christian Church, including Pope Francis, were to call on the Holy Spirit to ask for truth about what is written here, they would quickly learn that Satan has fooled them into supporting a prohibition that mercilessly persecutes and slaughters God’s most innocent and righteous servants.
Apostle John in Revelations tells us what the consequence of this persecution will be. It is our hope that the Christian Church will have enough humility to realize its error before it is too late, and will advocate that medicinal cannabis be restored to the people. The Holy Temple can only be rebuilt when cannabis prohibition ends and the prophets and priests are restored to health and given back their Holy Anointing Oil.
NOTE: It is certain that the Asherites were breeding high THC cannabis that could not be used by the epileptic priests or the sick, i.e. it was bred solely for sensual pleasures. The prohibition was certainly never against the lower THC landrace sativa strains and the CBD high strains such as hemp, only against high THC strains.